Friday, January 05, 2007

2006 musings.....

I was going to be creative and post #2006 things that i discovered in 2006 but then i thought about it and decided not to...

So one week into 2007 and I've slacked it off to the TOP 12 THINGS OF 2006!

Here we go...

12. Becoming more at work. Finding my voice again.
11. Getting reaquainted with some high school friends (however voyeristically it may be) on
11. Finding new friendships in unexpected places
10. Becoming more and more aware of my purpose.
9. Discovering new and exciting and FREE podcasts on iTunes!
8. Nurturing my ever growing obsession with U2 (yes, there i said it betty...i'm obsessed...12 steps???)
7. Hugging my sister more....and getting weird looks from guys in the concourse!
6. Buying our magic cottage...
5. Renovating said cottage and proving to ourselves that we can do it!
4. Appreciating my family dynamic more
3. Holidays in the most beautiful place on earth...CANMORE
2. Beginnig to dream again

and i think thats it....bring on 2007!


Blogger Nichole said...

Nice year!

I especially like the U2 bit...its all good to have an interest...a hobby, shall we say...and if it involves Bono...all the better!

1:05 PM  

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