Monday, March 20, 2006

Go back to the beginning....

well, here we are...the life and times of me!

so whats new? for those of you who havent heard from me since I fled the vicious jaw of the moose what can i tell you..

1) moved to Winnipeg '94
2) partied till '98
3) got my head on straight and my life together in '98
4) met the man who would become my husband in '98
5) ran away from him for 3 years ('we're friends!') 6) missed him more than i should've when he went away...and realized i loved him in 2001
7) married him in 2003
8) in between i worked as a nursery school teacher, real estate assistant, drive radio host, music director at a radio station and now have moved on to bigger and better (and more profitable things) with CanWest MediaWorks (aka Global Television). I work at the corner of portage & main in the marketing departmen for specialty television.

and thats about it... :)

let me know what you think!

adrienne :)